There are lots of great diaper sales this week! Pair these deals with some coupons to get the best deals. I am going to use the recent Pampers coupons I got from Sunday's paper to stock up.
*Click on each store name for the weekly ad. Deals run from Sunday-Saturday unless otherwise stated.
Babies R US (prices valid thru Nov 24th.)
Get a $5 Gift card* when you but any 2 value boxes of Pampers or Huggies wipes and/or diapers. Also there's a $4 off coupon valid for any value box of Pampers or Huggies diapers.
*Remember the gift cards are not valid until 6hrs after your initial purchase.
Pampers jumbo packs are $9.49 w/card.
Pampers wipes refill packs are $5.49 (180-216ct). Pampers Jumbo Packs are on sale for $8.49.
Pampers big pack diapers are $19.99 w/card, + $3 UP reward, making them $16.99 after UP reward.
Huggies and Pampers value pack diapers are $29.99, and get a $10 gift card when purchasing 2.
Target brand value packs of diapers are on sale for $14.39, wipes for $4.64.
Huggies and Pampers special pack diaper are $25. Huggies natural care wipes 504ct. are $11.98.
(Sales run from Wed-Tues)
Get $2 off any Huggies diaper with the weekly ad coupon. You can print it from the weekly ad link, or pick up the ad in Publix.
Pampers big pack boxed diapers are $19.99. Pampers tub wipes are $1.99.